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Current JoyPoll results for 752 entries:

Do you ever use social networks to stalk your ex?

Yes indeed! Social networks have made it soooo much easier!, ... do you stalk to feel good or feel bad? 49 6%
Nope, I'm the kind that never, ever wants to know what my ex is doing, ... it would be nice if one could unfriend bad memories. 151 20%
I do a little bit. You know, just to make sure they are OK, ... *poke poke* I think you're deluding yourself. 108 14%
I always get the feeling I'm the one being stalked, ... same here... by the advertisers! 86 11%
I'm still working on using social networks to get an SO!, ... well, once you have one, it's easy to use a social network to get an ex! 109 14%
I'm stalking the results. 249 33%

May not add up to exactly 100% due to rounding, and someone else cornering the rounding market.

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