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Current JoyPoll results for 839 entries:

Do you tweet or facebook (or other social network) when you are away from home?

Yes, all the time, ... and is your WiFi router still set with no password? 50 5%
No, I'm not that stupid, ... either that, or you can't figure out how to tweet from your mobile phone. 236 28%
Yes, that's what my alarm system is for, ... the best defense is a good offence. 28 3%
I never leave my basement, ... good, you wouldn't want to miss anyone's tweets. 102 12%
No one follows me anyway, so it doesn't matter what I tweet, ... it matters to those aliens, 50 light years away, who are just getting sick of watching I Love Lucy. 188 22%
I do, in the vain hope that someone will come and clear out all my crap!, ... it might be easier to just DM the junkman? 89 10%
Arrrrrg! It's burglary, not robbery! 147 17%

May not add up to exactly 100% due to rounding, and robbery VS burglary.
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