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Current JoyPoll results for 986 entries:

What is that thing flying around Sir Jony Ive?

A fruit fly, ... I hope Jony doesn't drown us in apple cider vinegar! 37 3%
The new Apple iFly, ... the buzz on that is amazing. 163 16%
A Who, like the one Horton heard, ... Horton heard a what? A Who. Huh? No, Huh's on second base. 42 4%
A conscience, ... awww, now I'm feeling guilty for teasing Jony like that. 94 9%
A Nit from Nitpickville, ... I suppose I'm supposed to provide some Nit wit here? 103 10%
A few darkened pixels, that represent a small speck of reason amongst the tital wave of hype, ... so you are sure it's not a dark dot defect, usually caused by a transistor in the transparent electrode layer that is stuck "on" for TN panels or "off" for MVA/PVA and IPS panels? 391 39%
I'm pretty sure it's a fly-by-knight operation. 156 15%

May not add up to exactly 100% due to rounding, and I get no re-speck.
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