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Current JoyPoll results for 787 entries:

What would you give for an iPad?

I'd suffer through a free, ad-supported version, ... more like ad-crushed! 62 7%
Around $499 or so, ... you and 70 million other people. 238 30%
A part of my body that was re-growable... like hair or fingernails, ... you do realize they can clone you from that, and once they do that, they won't need you to grow hair and nails anymore! 125 15%
Heck, I have two kidneys, what the heck, ... you've forgotten your geek creed... backup! 12 1%
You couldn't pay me to own one, ... haters' gotta hate, but that's just iDiotic. 113 14%
The movie rights to the story of my life, ... I love the part of that movie where you sell your movie rights for an iPad. 70 8%
I'd give my salamanders's right arm! 167 21%

May not add up to exactly 100% due to rounding, and a piece of me.
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