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Current JoyPoll results for 1621 entries:

What do you think Apple should do with all their cash?

Dividends, ... like you haven't made enough already? 122 7%
Give all their workers, especially those in the East, a bonus, ... and don't forget a hand for their families back at the dorm. 296 18%
Keep it, you never know when it will come in handy, ... Apple is redefining the whole hoarding category. 178 10%
Build some US factories and bring back some jobs to the USA, ... at the very least, start building Apple II's again! 423 26%
Do something really meaningful with it, like clean water and schools for villages that need them, ... pull a Gates, before you retire! 303 18%
No, giving it all to you is not an option. 299 18%

May not add up to exactly 100% due to rounding, and 100 billion other reasons.
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