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Current JoyPoll results for 1140 entries:

What would you tell a younger version of yourself?

Stay hungry, stay foolish, ... well, don't stay too hungry and foolish, or you won't grow up! 73 6%
Don't eat so much and get more exercise, ... I believe both were covered by the previous selection. 99 8%
Appreciate the ones you love, since they won't be around forever, ... you mean like the Newton? 94 8%
Buy Apple stock!, ... but if you all go back and buy it, it won't be so low! 663 58%
You know what? I wouldn't change a thing!, ... since when did your therapist start voting for you? 79 6%
Hey younger me, view the results! 132 11%

May not add up to exactly 100% due to rounding, and 20-20 hindsight.
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