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Current JoyPoll results for 957 entries:

Which of these is the most appropriate Zuckerberg's Law?

Every year, people are sharing twice as much information as the previous year, ... *shudder* 55 5%
Every second, more and more people get suckered into joining Facebook, ... *suffer* 125 13%
Real geeks steal ideas, especially from jocks, ... *shakeshead* 40 4%
Take away your user's privacy, then ask forgiveness later, ... *sigh* 237 24%
Every time someone from high-school friends you, a little part of you groans, ... *super groan* 69 7%
Every time Zuck gets richer, I want to punch his smug little face even more, ... *sympathize* 286 29%
I'm sharing the results. 145 15%

May not add up to exactly 100% due to rounding, and a Timeline loop.
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