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Current JoyPoll results for 1163 entries:

What's your favorite kind of avatar?

Default, ... no time to change the avatar, too busy posting? 120 10%
Sexy girl, ... for other people's, or for yours? 102 8%
High school photo, or other self-deprecating image, ... 80's hair is decade-deprecating! 21 1%
Cartoon or fictional character, ... how many times do I have to tell you... Kirk is NOT fictional! 136 11%
Just a nice normal everyday picture, ... they still make those? 342 29%
A picture with someone famous, ... it's nice to give their career a boost by posing with them, isn't it. 20 1%
It's gotta be a Nitrozac original, ... did you know that in the far future, they will be able to re-assemble you from these! 202 17%
My favorite was in 3-D. 220 18%

May not add up to exactly 100% due to rounding, and pixel unperfect.
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