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Current JoyPoll results for 1456 entries:

What's your favorite feature of Apple's new headquarters?
Spaceship design, ... it's based on the one that delivered Jonny Ive. 158 10%
Pool in the center, ... don't worry, there are rarely any leaks from Apple. 92 6%
Rooftop Segway track, ... if you thought Apple geeks are going around in circles, you ain't seen nothing yet! 225 15%
Stargate!, ... it was cheaper than building a monorail to 1 Infinite Loop. 563 38%
Apple donuts and onion rings!, ... they'll make you rounder! 131 8%
Sorry, I do not like circles, ... are you just being a circle jerk? 87 5%
I was certain you were going to mention a Newfie firing squad. 200 13%

May not add up to exactly 100% due to rounding, and yes, rounding.
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