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Current JoyPoll results for 746 entries:

How do you relax your mind?
Meditation, ... I thought you'd be more into ohms than chanting oms. 43 5%
Surf the web, ... that's not relaxation, that's a coma. 128 17%
Get away from computers, ... don't forget your Blackberry, iPhone, or iPad! 68 9%
I drink/smoke/or party hardy, ... so you club your mind into submission? 163 21%
Get out into Nature, ... it's too bad we started separating it into "here" and "out there." 148 19%
I'll relax my mind when I'm dead, ... you'll get there faster if you don't relax. 74 9%
There's only one way to truly relax your mind and soul, and achieve geek bliss, and that is with a propeller beanie, ... that plug is enough to make your head spin. 122 16%

May not add up to exactly 100% due to rounding, and deep, hypnotic, sleep.
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