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Current JoyPoll results for 782 entries:

What are you counting the days to?
Christmas, ... do you believe in Jolly Saint Retailer? 113 14%
I'm waiting for Christmas to be over, ... sounds like you are getting stress for Christmas. 154 19%
Boxing Day, ... it's a Canadian tradition, kind of like Black Friday on steroids. 28 3%
Hanukkah, ... luckily if someone messes up on their gift, there are seven more days to get it right. 6 0%
New Year's Eve, ... at the stroke of midnight, it turns into The Official Holiday of Cold and Flu Dissemination. 45 5%
CES, or Macworld, ... it's not just the gadgets, go there for the people. 64 8%
The next Apple event, ... get your iPads ready for eBay! 237 30%
I live in the moment. 135 17%

May not add up to exactly 100% due to rounding, and gift wrapping.
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