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Current JoyPoll results for 739 entries:

Are you one to fall for Cyber Monday/pre-Christmas sale hype?
Absolutely!, ... someone has to pull that economy out of the doldrums! 26 3%
If I had extra money I would, but right now, no, ... I hope you get a new job for Christmas! 112 15%
I keep an eye out for deals, but only if I had planned to buy something anyway, ... haven't you've been planning on buying a propeller beanie for years now? 305 41%
No, I don't fall for it, ... good for you, someone has to have some money to spend in January. 165 22%
You bet I do, especially if I could have saved on an awesome made-by Nitrozac and Snaggy propeller beanie., ... normally our butler would make them, but he insists on taking Cyber Monday off. 55 7%
I'm more of a Boxing Day spender. 76 10%

May not add up to exactly 100% due to rounding, and someone using a Discount Code on the rounding.
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Introducing the Beachball Beanie and cap!

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