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Current JoyPoll results for 863 entries:

Would you miss a CD/DVD drive on your computer?
Yes, I use mine all the time, ... how quaint! 178 20%
Maybe, every now and then, ... I wish my computer had a vinyl LP player. 233 26%
Hardly ever, ... remember how exited you were to get your first one? 174 20%
Never! Bring on the flash drive future, baby!, ... the big flash drives are still in the flying cars I'm waiting for. 102 11%
I still miss floppy drives, ... it's time you called a Floppy Drive help line. 54 6%
I've evolved beyond the computer, ... smartphone, tablet, or did you just walk into the woods? 39 4%
When it comes to polycarbonate technology, I'm heartless. 83 9%

May not add up to exactly 100% due to rounding, and physical media.
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