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Current JoyPoll results for 1100 entries:

How do you recognize you are addicted to tech?
Must. Keep. Refreshing. Gadget. Blogs., ... I think you are addicted to banner ads! 177 16%
I start replying to my iPhone, "Yes, my Master", ... always two there is, a Master and an antenna. 33 3%
I'd like a plastic surgeon to add a kangaroo-style pouch to my belly so I never forget devices, ... there's another way to do it, but it's a real bummer. 48 4%
I read about it on the Internet, ... Nuff read! 428 38%
I know because I wish this poll had an all of the above option!, ... me too, so I'm just doing the poll four times over the next couple of days. 202 18%
I know because I just viewed the results, since I'm in denial. 212 19%

May not add up to exactly 100% due to rounding, and an addiction to not adding up exactly to 100%.
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