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Current JoyPoll results for 1148 entries:

How do you think prices should be set?
How much the thing costs to make, plus a little bit more for profit, ... funny how a little bit can turn into not enough. 247 21%
As high as possible, whatever the company can squeeze out of the consumer, ... I can see you are a graduate of the Ferengi School of Business. 172 14%
A price not too high, but not too low, ... can I interest you in a bear's porridge? 146 12%
Lowest price possible, whatever it takes, ... it's still gonna cost somebody something. 22 1%
Everything should be free, ... as soon as I sell everyone a Replicator, it will be. 117 10%
Price doesn't matter, quality is everything, ... *sigh* you are such an idealist. 265 23%
The price of voting was too high. 179 15%

May not add up to exactly 100% due to rounding, and what an analyst thought the percentage should be.
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