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Current JoyPoll results for 912 entries:

Who would be your favorite alternate universe artist?
Alternate universe Da Vinci, who painted abstracts, ... you should see his Montage Lisas. 33 3%
Alternate universe Picasso, who painted hyper-realism, ... his Blue Period was all about water. 84 9%
Alternate universe Michelangelo, the tattoo artist, ... his David would make David Beckham envious. 107 11%
Alternate universe Van Gogh, the mime, ... he was so dedicated, he cut off his tongue! 28 3%
Alternate universe Nitrozac, who paints on rock walls, ... you should see her latest work, the Joy of Tectonics. 89 9%
Wait a sec, if it's an alternate universe, wouldn't the Gulf of Mexico oil spill not happened?, ... unfortunately, the alternate universe still has lobbyists and greed. 451 49%
In the alternate universe, my favorite artist is me! 120 13%

May not add up to exactly 100% due to rounding, and an alternate rounding.
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