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Current JoyPoll results for 2264 entries:

What are your impressions of the series LOST?
I never saw it, ... at least you didn't lose hours to it. 1023 45%
I like the first season or two, but then it lost me, ... do you miss the polar bears? 280 12%
Meh, it was OK, ... I'm still hoping it's all in Hurley's head. 72 3%
It was good, ... so long as Ben Linus doesn't get killed, fall in the golden water, then become Smokie 2, I'll be fine. 82 3%
I think it was one of the greatest TV series ever, ... so you think it's a candidate? 332 14%
I hated it, ... no cup of Jacob Juice for you! 57 2%
It will all depend on the finale whether or not I hate it or like it, ... if you expect everything to be wrapped up nicely, the Island isn't finished with you. 219 9%
My vote went up in Smokie. 198 8%

May not add up to exactly 100% due to rounding, and the Island's not done with the rounding yet.
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