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Current JoyPoll results for 711 entries:

What's your sign lately?
The end of the world is coming, ... objects in mind's eye are closer than they appear. 15 2%
The end of the world came, and all I got was this lousy t-shirt, ... were you hoping for a club or a spear? 75 10%
The iTablet/iSlate/iTab/iPad is coming!, ... please, don't eat iTab. 73 10%
Rats, are the holidays over already?, ... I guess your Toblerone is all gone? 47 6%
Whoa, is 2009 over already?, ... blame that pesky timestream. 112 15%
Good riddance 00's, bring on the 10's!, ... I hope 2010 is a perfect 10 for you. 149 20%
Pffff, who cares about the tablet, I'm waiting for the one more thing!, ... omg, there's been so many rumors, you're bored of a product that doesn't exist yet! 162 22%
Is this the dawning of the Age of iQuarius? 78 10%

May not add up to exactly 100% due to rounding, and iDoomsday.
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