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Current JoyPoll results for 1627 entries:

What's going on here?
The clerk seems to be learning fast, ... learning to make excuses on his first day of work? 153 9%
The red dress triggered a flashback to a former life where he actually cared about helping customers, ... I think it triggered a flashback to the Matrix. 146 8%
It's his first day at work, and he doesn't know anything, but he is faking it for the lovely lady, ... a real geek girl would know when he's faking. 231 14%
It's obviously not his first day as a professional slacker and amateur Romeo, ... oh, and I suppose you are an amateur slacker and professional Romeo? 476 29%
He knows the Red Dress Girl is actually a mystery shopper, ... it's no secret why customers were stomping out of the store though. 181 11%
It's my first JoyPoll, I don't really want to vote, ... that's what View the Results is for. 241 14%
What he said. 193 11%

May not add up to exactly 100% due to rounding, and mystery rounding gnomes.
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