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Current JoyPoll results for 890 entries:

What's the moral of this comic?
Don't put all your eggs in one basket, ... but if you do, Fedex them! 84 9%
Sometimes, Father doesn't know best, ... perhaps, but when they finally deliver that wide screen HDTV, mom and the kids will change their tune. 42 4%
Christmas is full of disappointments, ... oh well, there's always Santa Claus, isn't there? 89 10%
Never take for granted that your wife and kids will always love you, ... um, btw, I don't see any gifts for Dad under that tree! 99 11%
People equate love with gifts, and that sucks, ... you gave us your JoyPoll vote, and that's what really counts. 258 28%
Christmas is far too commercial, ... I agree, and there's no better way to protest that than by purchasing a propeller beanie. 222 24%
I saw mommy kissing Snaggy Claus. 95 10%

May not add up to exactly 100% due to rounding, and the overnight before Christmas.
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