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Current JoyPoll results for 1171 entries:

What would be your code name?
Rogue, ... "Maverick" has been spoiled lately. 60 5%
Slacker, ... are you sure you care enough to have a code name? 139 11%
Brainiac, ... or are you more of a Lex Luthur? 53 4%
SuperGeek, ... SuperGeek VS Brainiac... who would win? 44 3%
I want Nitrozac and Snaggy to decide, ... OK you can choose between Shallow Throat, TinkerBot, or General Zod. 263 22%
It's too risky to reveal my code name, ... is it Scaredy Cat? 493 42%
I'm more of the protect-the-code-name type. 119 10%

May not add up to exactly 100% due to rounding, and name calling.
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