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Current JoyPoll results for 897 entries:

Meanest prank to pull on Jerry Yang during his first day at Microsoft?
Parking spot located miles from the office building, ... it's part of Ballmer's Green Innovation. 24 2%
Office furniture embedded in Jello, ... he was hoping to shake things up a little. 95 10%
Trip him as he is carrying his lunch in the Microsoft cafeteria, ... darn, there goes a whole bowl of Mirco-gruel! 87 9%
Fill his car with packing peanuts, ... better than airbags! 87 9%
Upload all his pratfalls to YouTube, ... they tried to put it on Flickr Video, but that just upset the users. 241 26%
Make a webcomic about his imaginary first day working at Microsoft, ... awww, but we of this reality enjoy his cartoon suffering! 241 26%
I'm imagining I voted. 122 13%

May not add up to exactly 100% due to rounding, and an imaginary round of rounding.
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