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Current JoyPoll results for 955 entries:

What would you do with Mr. Future?
Club him, and take his tech, ... as any primitive geek would do. 250 26%
Tell him to go back further into the past and change that future, ... have him open a little saving's account while he's at it too. 299 31%
Kidnap him, and force him to sell stuff at your next Expo booth, .... cash in on the electric tie craze before it happens! 29 3%
Tell him to please turn down his electric tie, ... it's confusing traffic! 52 5%
Slap him silly, since he called you a primitive geek, ... are you sure it wasn't a compliment? 174 18%
Worship the guy, Ewok style, ... and be thankful the 70's aren't back in style in the year 3000. 35 3%
I viewed the results, ...tomorrow. 116 12%

May not add up to exactly 100% due to rounding, and history being writen by the victor.
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