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Current QuickPoll results for 1971 entries:

What do you use as a "cone of silence"?
My car, ... too bad the muffler fell off. 310 15%
My cubicle, ... if a person falls asleep in my cubicle, does anybody hear? 193 9%
The dunce cap my boss makes me wear, ... it's not a dunce cap, it's a "Stupidity Management Device". 92 4%
An ice cream usually stops my crying, ... I said "cone of silence", not "cone of suckiness". 395 20%
Putting my hands over my ears and screaming helps, ...this technique works in a variety of situations around the home and office. 981 49%

(May not add up to exactly 100% due to rounding, and the side effects of Go-Go assimilation.)

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