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Current JoyPoll results for 820 entries:

What was the most heartwarming part of that iPhone marriage ceremony?
The vows to buy extended AppleCare, ... odds are they'll split up just past the at&t two-year service agreement. 32 3%
The pink iPod nano flower girls, ... it was cute how they Shuffled down the aisle. 73 8%
The bride's beautiful bouquet wallpaper, ... don't toss it! 10 1%
Steve Jobs giving away the bride, ... of course the groom had to pay $599.00 first. 102 12%
"Till obsolescence do us part.", ... we all know the honeymoon will be over by Macworld. 143 17%
When the groom's old Newton booted up and objected to the union, ... they were married at Niagara Falls in June 1994. 379 46%
I hope he had a pre-nup! 81 9%

May not add up to exactly 100% due to rounding, and the lack of a dowry.
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After Y2K!

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