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Current JoyPoll results for 1149 entries:

Which office gag would be your favorite?
Whoopee Ringtones, ... just be glad there's no Whoopee Smelltones. 95 8%
Squirting iPod Nano, ... a thousand millilitres in your pocket! 99 8%
Leaking Palm Pilot Stylus, ... that's why pocket protectors were invented. 40 3%
"Bum Print" Xerox Paper, ... I hope it doesn't make you the butt of office jokes. 76 6%
Trick Blackberry Tar Ball, ... talk about keeping in touch! 16 1%
Joy Buzzer Pager, ... we recommend you turn it off during a movie. 13 1%
Boomerang Stapler, ... it's not red, but it will make your head so! 78 6%
Porno-O-Printer, ... it prints Betty Pages! 221 19%
Presenter X-Ray Specs, ... it might cure your nervousness, but it will probably make you queazy. 248 21%
Onion Cappuccino, ... tall, short, grande, red, Bermuda, or shallot? 43 3%
I'm gagging on the results. 218 18%

May not add up to exactly 100% due to rounding, and a Polaris Nuclear Sub for only $6.98.
Previous Joy
After Y2K!

Please support our continued work on the comics by becoming a SuperFan,
or by shopping at our webstore.


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