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Current JoyPoll results for 616 entries:

Which best describes Apple's Amazing Instant Nano iPods?
Insanely great happiness in a bowl, ... but after MacWorld, it'll be back to the daily brine. 60 9%
A true miracle of Silicon Valley, ... a very small miracle indeed! 26 4%
Such instant music technology represents a threat to all humanity, ... I think the RIAA got to ya. 57 9%
I prefer my DeLL MAXI-POD, ... everyday is a heavy day. 38 6%
They teach us lessons like "small is beautiful", "don't steal instant pets", and about product life cycles, ... what about training instant pets to steal small products? 113 18%
They teach us about the inevitability of disappointment, ... after the reality distortion field fades? 227 36%
I'm still bitter about my Sea Monkeys. 95 15%

May not add up to exactly 100% due to rounding, and running out of Banana Treat Dessert.
Previous Joy
After Y2K!

Please support our continued work on the comics by becoming a SuperFan,
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