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Current JoyPoll results for 613 entries:

What's the sexiest part of quantum physics?
Discreteness of energy, ... excited atoms are pretty hot. 16 2%
Quantum tunneling, ... hmmm, no one really wants a particle leaking through a barrier do they? 128 20%
Particle Spin, ... angular momentum can be intrinsically sexy. 29 4%
Wave-particle duality, ... not that there's anything wrong with that... 133 21%
Heisenberg's uncertainty relation, ... measurement is always a very delicate process. 10 1%
Stop it! I'm getting a Schrodinger, ... somehow, I don't think your wavefunction is in danger of collapsing. 222 36%
I observed the results, and therefore influenced them. 75 12%

May not add up to exactly 100% due to rounding, and organized chaos.
Previous Joy
After Y2K!

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