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Current JoyPoll results for 743 entries:

What would be your favorite scene in Elvis, Return of the King?
The Siege of Graceland, ... those aren't Uruk-hai warriors... those are fans! 55 7%
When the evil Gollum Parker trys to steal Elvis's riches, ... also known as Colonel Wormtongue. 17 2%
The slaughter of the hordes of 'NSync Orcs, ... everyone NJoys a good lancing Lance scene! 283 38%
The appearance of the terrifying Backstreet Ringwraiths, ... even scarier, the cameo of Molly Ringwraith! 60 8%
When the Ghost of Wolfman Jack tells Elvis to "Use the Hip Thrust", ... the fate of Middle Age rests on his um, belly. 63 8%
The final climatic battle kiss with Dark Lordess Britney Sauron, ... oops I Did It Again ... A-thank you, a-thank you verrah much. 182 24%
I'm just happy it's not the Return of the Self-Proclaimed King of Pop. 83 11%

May not add up to exactly 100% due to rounding, and the ultimate fight of Math against Mistakes.
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After Y2K!

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