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Current JoyPoll results for 798 entries:

What is your irrational fear of migrating to Jaguar?
That I might actually starting liking Macs, ... so you have Mac-ophobia, and you're afraid of Mac-euphoria? 86 10%
That I won't be able to blame OS 9 for all my problems anymore, ... blame Classic. 84 10%
That it's an endangered operating system and it should be left alone in the wild, ... it's not quite as endangered as it was during the Inter-Jobian Era. 61 7%
That I will be forced to wear a Jaguar Beanie, ... we won't force you, but if you want to attract a mate, we recommend it. 36 4%
I hate having to change my computer's litter, ... the scoop is OS X 10.3 will introduce clumping! 101 12%
I've already migrated, and gee, my arms are tired, ... now you take my OS, ... please! 317 39%
It is illogical to be irrational. 113 14%

May not add up to exactly 100% due to rounding, and the data biting.
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After Y2K!

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