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Current JoyPoll results for 903 entries:

What do you passionately whine about?
Happy Mac getting sacked, ... oh the inhumanity! 45 4%
dotMac, therefore iWhine, ... there are those who think different, therefore they pay. 98 10%
The whining of my co-workers, ... so that's what that whining noise is! 63 6%
Not having a significant other, ... lesson #1, whining is NOT an aphrodisiac. 171 18%
It has to do with Windows, ... have you tried Wine? 218 24%
I'm a whine-free zone, ... believe me, everyone is whining about your whine-free zone! 191 21%
Awwww, all the good stuff to whine about is already taken! 116 12%

May not add up to exactly 100% due to rounding, and incessancy.
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After Y2K!

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