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Current JoyPoll results for 399 entries:

Did you think the world would still be so messed up, 50 years after the Moon landing?

Yes, I pretty much expected nothing would change, ... you didn't even hope for a few small steps? 68 17%
No, I'm pretty disappointed with my species. Humans can and should do better, ... I have enough trouble remembering to bring bags when grocery shopping! 215 53%
Actually, I think things have gotten a lot better!, ... one giant leap for the elite! 43 10%
I don't know anything about the Moon landing, I just want to be a YouTube Influencer when I grow up!, ... by the time you grow up, YouTube will be replaced by Elon Musk's brain reading Neuralink TV. 12 3%
I'm viewing the results form Mission Control. 60 15%

May not add up to exactly 100% due to rounding, and the descent stage.

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