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Current JoyPoll results for 983 entries:

Do you trust Huawei?

Yes, I don't think they are spying for the Chinese, ... may you live in interesting times. 164 16%
Yes, even if they are spying for the Chinese, ... beware of geeks bearing the latest tech. 265 26%
Who knows? This stuff is complicated, ... I just want to watch hockey without wondering about espionage! 47 4%
No, since the CIA says they are funded from Chinese state security, ... if you can't trust the CIA, who can you trust? *wink* 100 10%
I don't trust anybody in the tech industry, ... the X-Files was right, trust no one. 323 32%
I'm sending the results back to to Xi. 83 8%

May not add up to exactly 100% due to rounding, and string theory.

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