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Current JoyPoll results for 511 entries:

What are you most looking forward to after the robots replace us?

All the free time I'll have for roaming around in the Wastelands, ... if you find a Pokemon out there, better kill it before it kills you. 111 21%
Making a career change, to Robot Greaser, ... and to think they used to have a robot do that horrible job! 39 7%
Becoming Soylent Green, ... aka robot grease? 48 9%
Joining the resistance and fighting our robot overlords, ... why fight when you can eat robot pizza? 114 22%
Robot Pizza, perfect every time!, ... enjoy, and don't think about them just fattening you up for robot grease. 107 20%
I'm enjoying the human compiled results. 91 17%

May not add up to exactly 100% due to rounding, and Trending Rounding.

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