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Current JoyPoll results for 477 entries:

How do you feel about the pistol emojii being turned into a squirt gun by Apple?

I think it's all wet that Apple is trying to be PC, ... if it makes you feel better, imagine it's filled with acid. 54 11%
I think it's great, gotta start somewhere, ... don't fool yourself, this is just a gateway squirt gun into rapid fire water blasters! 78 16%
It will be confusing to those who still get a gun emoji!, ... don't tell your Android pals to squirt the dog. 49 10%
The fricking squirt gun lobby has too much power and influence!, ... wait until they start demanding a water pipeline down from Canada! 52 10%
Bah, anyone who cares that much about emoji needs to be supersoaked!, ... hokey religions and ancient powder-based weapons are no match for a good pressure washer at your side, kid. 186 38%
I'm soaking in the poll results. 58 12%

May not add up to exactly 100% due to rounding, and a disambiguating placeholder symbol.

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