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Current JoyPoll results for 391 entries:

Which new iPhone t-shirt would be your favorite?

I'm too 6SE for my shirt, ... if your iPhone keeps wearing that t-shirt I'm going to get on your case. 85 21%
Do you think I'm 6SE?, ... as Rod Stewart famously sang... Siri sits alone waiting for suggestions, He's so nervous, avoiding all her questions 39 9%
If you think I'm 6SE, you should meet my stylus!, ... or do you prefer a finger? 45 11%
6SE ain't so sexy, but 7 would be heaven!, ... hey, if you're buying a new iPhone, you at least should get a new number! 36 9%
My 6SE iPhone only wears a bikini, ... an itsy bitsy teenie weenie rose gold polka dot bikini? 61 15%
I'm too sexy for the results, but I'm viewing them anyway. 124 31%

May not add up to exactly 100% due to rounding, and roundingSE.

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