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Current JoyPoll results for 821 entries:

What's the upside to a forced Windows 10 upgrade?

There is none, it's despicable, ... a computer is a geek's castle! 175 21%
More people will have newer software, that's more secure to attacks, ... but not to attacks from cartoonists! 136 16%
More people might switch to Macs, ... gab darn it, I still say OS 9 IS FINE! 132 16%
People might read pop-up windows more carefully!, ... they call it a dialogue box, but it's more like an ultimatum box. 64 7%
It gives something for people to complain about on the Internet, ... such a refreshing change from politics! 187 22%
I'm updating to the results! 126 15%

May not add up to exactly 100% due to rounding, and people clicking the X.

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