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Current JoyPoll results for 525 entries:

Where do you want to spend eternity?

In a coffin is fine with me, ... think of it as downsizing from man cave to man box! 28 5%
In a nice urn, ... a ton of chocolate bunnies ended up in me, so spending eternity inside one of them seems fitting. 9 1%
Spread my ashes somewhere beautiful, ... I know all we are is dust in the wind, but I hope I don't end up in a vacuum bag. 120 22%
In the ground, and plant a tree over me, ... ashes to ash tree? 80 15%
At the very least, keep my brain in a vat, ... that won't help you when the Sun goes nova. 17 3%
Upload me to the cloud!, ... upload me back to the stardust cloud! 134 25%
Encrypt me and keep me on my iPhone, ... your soul is already saved to the ad corporations databases. 40 7%
I'm just having a visitation with the results. 96 18%

May not add up to exactly 100% due to rounding, and here today, here as something else tomorrow.

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