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Current JoyPoll results for 524 entries:

What home skill do you have that really should land you a job?

Home barista, ... Keurig K-Cup Operator doesn't count. 16 3%
Wine and/or beer tasting product specialist, ... only I suspect you forget to spit it out. 78 14%
In-home food sampling rep, ... what about Pizza Delivery Receiver? 48 9%
Most excellent TV critic and TV remote operator, ... if you can operate that new Apple TV Remote perfectly, you are a better Remote Barista than me. 59 11%
Internet surfing connoisseur, ... you must be good, you're here! 231 44%
I'm connoisseuring over the results. 91 17%

May not add up to exactly 100% due to rounding, and rounding consultants.

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