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Current JoyPoll results for 430 entries:

Why do you think people seem so short-tempered online nowadays?

They are used to pointing and clicking with a cursor or a finger and getting immediate results. They expect it to happen in real life now, ... robot, I wish to be fed! 28 6%
People get more polarized by Internet algorithms and friend selections, which just keep re-enforcing their own world views, ... all my friends say that, so it must be true. 54 12%
Online interactions separate us from the moderating aspects of having a real-life conversation with someone, ... like when they buy you a coffee and a donut! 158 36%
I'm not getting more short-tempered, it's just that the stupid people I disagree with keep getting stupider!, ... I'm not stupid enough to argue with that! 117 27%
I'm moderating the results. 72 16%

May not add up to exactly 100% due to rounding, and all caps.

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