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Current JoyPoll results for 528 entries:

What keeps you using Facebook?

Keeping up with friends, and the chance to unwittingly take part in psychological experiments, ... great, just what everyone needs, high school forever! 77 14%
Keeping up with family, and the chance to unwittingly take part in psychological experiments, ... that's what being a sibling is about! 37 7%
Stalking exes or frenemies, and the chance to unwittingly take part in psychological experiments, ... since you clicked this, I'm thinking you may already be under observation. 13 2%
Maybe I will get a deal on a fridge or something, and the chance to unwittingly take part in psychological experiments, ... be careful, Facebook Fridge might spoil your food on purpose! 10 1%
Nothing! I quit, or never started, ... if you were a lab rat, you'd be no fun. 268 50%
Simply the chance to unwittingly take part in psychological experiments!, ... you willingly took part in this one! 47 8%
I'm just viewing the results with the full support of the psychiatric community. 75 14%

May not add up to exactly 100% due to rounding, and the psychological experiments continue!

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