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Current JoyPoll results for 720 entries:

If you were the owner of, what would you do now?

Pack it up, you're done!, ... never underestimate the potential of human stupidity. 52 7%
Pivot, focus on matching up divorced people, ... it's pretty much guaranteed they'll say their ex was the problem. 53 7%
Pivot, focus on cheap divorces, ... I feel a great disturbance in the Law, as if a million attorneys squealed out in delight. 23 3%
Hire those hackers!, ... is it better to have loved and be hacked, then never cheated at all? 21 2%
Apologize, write a book, do a speaking tour, sell the movie rights, ... that's what I always figured Nitrozac and I should do. 112 15%
Just keep on doing what you're doing. Everyone will forget soon and more dummies will sign up, ... sign up? Where?! 320 44%
I'm cheating on the results. 138 19%

May not add up to exactly 100% due to rounding, and wait a sec, didn't Ashley Madison date Remington Steele?

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