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Current JoyPoll results for 457 entries:

What did you take away from this?

Uber geeks are uber nit-picky, ... remember, they have so much extra brain power, it has to be dissipated in ways like this. 37 8%
Words aren't sacred, it's good to shake up language every now and then, ... language? Wasn't that replaced by emoji? 31 6%
An uber geek should know all about Uber anyway, therefore Uber using uber is not all that much of a problem, ... the geeks specializing in being uber Uber geeks might protest. 44 9%
I just realized Apple ruined "apple" for me, ... Commodore 64 ruined Commodore Matt Decker for me. 91 19%
Wrecking the word uber is the least of Uber's crimes!, ... Yelp! 182 39%
I'm taking away the results! 71 15%

May not add up to exactly 100% due to rounding, and a big yellow taxi.

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