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Current JoyPoll results for 464 entries:

Would you visit a Museum of Sexy Shirts?

Yes, I love sexy shirts and outrageous fabrics, and their lore and history, ... what a wondrous tale they weave! 76 16%
No, these so-called sexy shirts perpetuate stereotypes and create a toxic atmosphere, ... next time try some deodorant! 26 5%
Wait a second, are you talking about my closet?, ... I have a feeling some things should stay in your closet. 21 4%
I wouldn't go in, but I would go to protest outside, ... oh keep your shirt on and take off that hair shirt! 1 0%
I would support a sexist shirt museum to educate the public about non-hurtful fabric designs, ... just don't ask for the shirt off my back. 18 3%
I might, if I wasn't trapped in the Museum of Human Stupidity, ... currently featuring a exhibition of Kim Kardashian's butt! 196 42%
I'm losing my shirt in the results. 117 25%

May not add up to exactly 100% due to rounding, and I'm so sexy it hurts.

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