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Current JoyPoll results for 467 entries:

Does it bother you when your social media posts are seemingly ignored?

No, I'm used to being ignored, ... enjoy your ignore-onymity! 55 11%
No, as I don't care about social media, ... I miss Web 1.0. 172 36%
A little. It would be nice to get a RT or a Share now and then, ... retweets, I've had a few, but then again, too few to mention. 39 8%
I'd settle for a fav or a Like once and while!, ... awwww... you'll always be my fav. 22 4%
I wouldn't know... I get them all the time!, ... I hope you RT the favor! 13 2%
It bothers me a LOT more when I'm ignored in real life!, ... especially when the person ignoring me is a cat. 92 19%
I'm getting bothered by the results! 72 15%

May not add up to exactly 100% due to rounding, and a lack of public support.

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