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Current JoyPoll results for 612 entries:

What are your rules for sharing your computer?

Any use, with the exception of a separate Guest account, is snooping, ... take note... Guest account, not Google account. 105 17%
Touching my computer is forbidden, ... I suspect that's the healthier choice too. 105 17%
Even glancing at my computer or phone is a no-no, ... aww, but forbidden fruit tastes better! 54 8%
Anything goes, I don't have anything to hide!, ... I guess you're good at hiding the stuff you want to hide? 83 13%
You can use my computer, but I insist on hovering around you while you do, ... the horsefly effect? 120 19%
It must be nice to have your own computer or phone!, ... it might be nice not to have one sometimes. 40 6%
I'm snooping on the results. 103 16%

May not add up to exactly 100% due to rounding, and rubbernecking.

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