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Current JoyPoll results for 586 entries:

How has the Internet changed for you since those early days?

It hasn't, I'm too young to know a time before Internet, or even the early-days-Internet, ... was there life before Snapchat? 14 2%
It hasn't changed much, just become faster, ... when I go on it, time seems to go faster! 35 5%
It's become ubiquitous, and I love it, ... all I need is the air that I breath and some bandwidth. 128 21%
It's become ubiquitous, and please, help me!, ... I say just go cold turkey, but we'd miss you too much! 93 15%
I kinda miss those days when I didn't google everything, ... hail Encyclopedia Britannica! 158 26%
The Internet hasn't changed, I changed!, ... you are what you surf! 42 7%
I'm imagining viewing the results on dialup. 114 19%

May not add up to exactly 100% due to rounding, and Navigator nostalgia.

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