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Current JoyPoll results for 565 entries:

What's the best feature of a "don't buy stuff" phone?

It would save me a lot of money on impulse purchases, ... don't worry, iWatch won't count as an impulse purchase, you've been wanting it for years. 101 17%
It might encourage me to buy local, ... tough choice... keep your money in your neighborhood, or send it to Jeff Bezos? 43 7%
It might serve to replace that conscience I've misplaced, ... if it loves you, it will come back, if it doesn't, I guess you're just a terrible person. 50 8%
It could replace my nagging Significant Other!, ... it might be time to impulse buy some flowers and chocolate? 53 9%
It's all well and good until it tells me I shouldn't buy something I'm drooling over!, ... turn it off before you go to the food court. 193 34%
I'm not buying a vote, just looking at the results. 118 20%

May not add up to exactly 100% due to rounding, and a sale on rounding.

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