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Current JoyPoll results for 912 entries:

What advice would you have for the new CEO of Microsoft, Satya Nadella?

Sell the company and return the money to the shareholders, ... I think that's now a saying for good luck and success! 100 10%
Switch to Android, ... and throw Windows out the window? 20 2%
Ditch the stupid anti-Google campaigns and spend the time working on improving your products, ... you're a Scroogled Scrooge! 340 37%
Watch your back!, ... introducing Windows Rear View Mirror CEO Edition. 48 5%
Study Ballmer's reign, and do the opposite, ... profits are fine, but doing a good job for the shareholders doesn't mean you're building a future. 175 19%
Hire me, I know how to fix things!, ... fixing is fine, but you also have to know when to tear it all down and rebuild. 52 5%
I'm just keeping my mouth shut, and viewing the results. 172 18%

May not add up to exactly 100% due to rounding, and kicking the tires.

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