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Current JoyPoll results for 395 entries:

Worst gift you've ever recieved?

An article of clothing, ... there's a special place in Hell for Christmas sweaters. 54 13%
A gift certificate to something, ... you mean you don't want to take naked Yoga lessons? 26 6%
Fruitcake, ... awwww, poor fruitcake. 40 10%
Anything is awesome, I don't care what it is, ... although sometimes, just a thought would have been enough. 66 16%
I'm more of a worst-gift-giver than a getter, ... give yourself an opportunity to change that. 100 25%
It's the just viewing the results that count. 99 25%

May not add up to exactly 100% due to rounding, and good rounding comes in small packages.

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